CELEBe released Aiki and HOOK members '#우리동네챌린지'.

17 Aug 2022, 08:11
CELEBe released Aiki and HOOK members ‘#우리동네챌린지’ CELEBe released a challenge, linked to JTBC's new entertainment show, "wannabe celeb”. On August 13th, episode 7 of ‘wannabe celeb’, Aiki and all members of HOOK appear on the show together. The dance challenge video made by Aiki and HOOK members this time is called ‘우리동네챌린지’. To participate in the challenge, watch the video on CELEBe and upload your challenge video on CELEBe with ‘#우리동네챌린지’ hashtag. The challenge will be open until the 29th of August and winners will get various prize and benefits. Read more 👉